Gabby has been in an on and off relationship with a prominent basketball player. They met back when the two were only in high school (before he got famous) and have kept contact over the years. Today, he has a girlfriend, and the couple is often seen in the media. So when it comes to seeing Gabby, it's like playing a game of hide and seek.
"When I first started doing it, it was exciting, it was a rush, but now that he is this person now with so much clout and fame its like its not even fun it's becoming more of a job," said Gabby. "Having to come at certain hours, so no one sees us. Having to make sure no one hears about it because of his girlfriend."
Nonetheless, Gabby is interested in continuing this secret relationship with him, with hopes that it could lead to something more serious and unhidden. "Yes I still talk to him [even though he has a girlfriend], and I know it's not going anywhere, but I still do it because it's thrilling you know this may could go somewhere? Part of me wants to believe it could, but I know its not going anywhere," she said.