This is a 360 degree image of The Parthenon in Athens, Greece. Use your mouse to scroll around.


This is what the inside of a new Hellenic temple looks like.

Scroll around to see the art details from the inside.

The Practice of Hellenismos in Greece

By Juliet Muir

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This February, the Greek government recognized the Hellenic Ethnic Religion as an official religion. But, followers of this religion face other hurdles.  Greece is home to the first official temple of Hellenismos,  both built by one man, Aristoteles Kakogeorgiou. Hellenic celebrations take place in these temples or in indoor locations because they cannot occur on ancient Greek sites because it is prohibited by the government. Hellenic Ethnic followers want to be treated fairly by the government so they can coexist with the Greek Orthodox Church.

Images from Greek Hellenic sites