Tameeka Lake started her blog, Suddenly Imbalanced, last December after being diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) at the age of 19. PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that can lead to infertility and other issues down the line. Since her diagnosis, she posts about everything from how she treats the condition to her fitness journey, all from a holistic standpoint.

How did you come up with the idea for the blog, Suddenly Imbalanced?
When my life became suddenly imbalanced, I wish there were someone documenting her journey to managing her PCOS to help me on [mine]. When I realized no one was doing this, I thought why not me?
PCOS is often misunderstood, confusing, and frustrating to deal with. I believe I can set record straight and start the conversation about alternatives to treating PCOS besides synthetic hormones and Metformin.
What sorts of topics do you post about?
I write about how PCOS has affected my life, how I am treating my PCOS, the truth about PCOS treatments, alternative ways to treat PCOS, healthy diet options, and my fitness journey, which includes downloadable monthly calendars.
Essentially, I write about how to live a healthy life to keep your PCOS manageable. It’s a new blog so I haven’t had the chance to write about [them all], but these are things that I will feature in the future!
Your tagline is: “My journey to balancing my hormones.” Tell me about your process in discovering what has worked for you.
My journey to balancing my hormones is a very long and arduous process. Although, I still don’t have my PCOS under control, I’m feeling way better now than when I was being treated by PCOS experts. I’ve learned that making small changes is the best way to have a successful journey. Dramatic changes made me feel overwhelmed and incapable of achieving the goals I set. I also learned I must listen to my body, even if a doctor or PCOS expert disagrees.
You’re very young. How has PCOS shaped your young adult life?
Oddly enough, PCOS has helped me find myself.
My freshmen year of college I was a fashion major and after two months of being a fashion major, I decided it wasn’t for me. I enjoyed English class, but didn’t know what my career would be as an English major. I love writing, but didn’t know what to write about since my passion for fashion died and I didn’t have any hobbies that weren’t related to fashion.
Fast forward to the summer of 2014, I realized the answer was in front of me all along—women’s health. Having PCOS forced me to learn about women’s health and, eventually, I realized I love reading and writing about it. In my spare time, I read health magazines and blogs, watch documentaries about healthy living, cook healthy dishes, exercise, and write about PCOS for my blog. These are things I would have never done before because I wasn’t interested in living a healthy lifestyle until I became sick.
Now I know I want to be a journalist, nutritionist, and yoga and Pilates instructor.
What do you want most for your readers to get from your site?
I want my readers to apply some of the lessons I have learned on my journey to live a happy meaningful life despite having PCOS [to their own lives]. PCOS can make women feel miserable, crazy, and stop them from achieving their dreams.
I had to deal with frequent migraines and cramps, feel constant weakness and tiredness, battle anxiety, sadness, low self-esteem, and take two medical leaves from college. These aren’t feelings or symptoms conducive to a happy life.
I want my readers to know they can overcome their symptoms if they take the first step, [which is] believing. It’s certainly what I did to get where I am today.
What advice do you have for women with PCOS?
Decide how you want to treat your PCOS—the traditional or unconventional way. Also, read my blog and listen to your body. It’s smarter than you think.
And finally, what is your ultimate end goal for Suddenly Imbalanced?
My goal is to inspire women with PCOS to take control over their condition, create a community for women to share their stories, and a space to read about PCOS advice and experiences that their doctors won’t tell them.
Eventually, Suddenly Imbalanced will help me jumpstart my business of being a nutritionist, plus yoga and Pilates instructor to help women with PCOS eat a clean diet and get in shape.
I plan to offer free meal plans and have a YouTube channel offering free workout videos. I will also have premium services such as one on one coaching, online workout videos, and meal plans.